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How Thesis Writing

hi student ...
Immediately, let's discuss what needs to be prepared in the manufacture of paper.

1. Title.
I think of the thesis-making process. Section title is the most difficult. Because the title is the most important thing that will determine whether the paper you'll meander or straight ajah.
Tips from me. Prior to specify a title.

a. Make sure kmu've got a place to study. Find a place that makes it kmu digging research information. either because dg place near where you live, or there are informants who you know in it, or better yet if the place of employment. and make sure the owner of such research have given you permission.

b. Make sure you select the materials that you can acquire, if you did not master any material (haha) choose a material that is not bothering to get information from the material. Kmu nggk should choose material that bother so judulmu in acc. Because of my knowledge. The title can be in acc if: the title was not used by seangkatanmu friend, and you can explain the reason, understanding, and you can describe the contents of the title.

Well. If the two things that already exist. Hence the title reference will be knocking on the door of your brain. Due to determine a course of research. You filter the thousands of ideas that riwa kmu riwi in the brain, by focusing on the research site. After that you see, what can kmu make the place of research.

2. Content
Once in acc. Automatically you already have an idea, what will you discuss in the thesis. Menurutsaya, the first thing you should do is,
a. Take a piece of paper, and sit a comfortable place.
b. Think of what in case you have to find out, to support the thesis kmu. As such, the questions will kmu placed on informants in the study and a lecturer guardian. Because with kmu wrote it from the beginning, the possibility of "forgot to ask this / that" will be spared, because I know, back and forth nanya make hesitate.
c. Prepare a place to write the title of the book, article or website will you dirty contents.

3. CONTENTS part 1
At this stage, you need to menulia chapters 1, 2, and 3. In order to face the test of the proposal.
CHAPTER I. Preliminary.
CHAPTER II . Literature review.
CHAPTER III. Research methods

4. Exam Proposal
After you complete a chapter 1 to 3, ask the opinion of the supervisor, if he thinks it is correct, then go to the office and ask for an application form Exam proposal, if my campus, students will be informed when the proposal exam date has been determined. Any tested when the test proposal?

5. CONTENTS part 2
Exam proposal has been completed ... if no refisi. Then go to
CHAPTER IV. Results and Discussion
CHAPTER V. Conclusions and Recommendations.

7 Complementary
As you know ... thesis swordfish only contains chapters 1 to 5 only. But there are also some attachments. I will give you the correct sequence version of my university (University Kahuripan Kediri):
1. Cover
2. Signs Final Agreement
3. Statement of Originality, contain a statement that accompanied the stamp and signature of the author of the thesis.
4. Ratification of the page
5. Weather offering, containing for whom this paper is addressed. Usually this section the author is free to use any font daja with language that is free as well.
6. Abstraction
7. Foreword
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Figures
Table 10. List
11. List of Attachments
12. Chapters 1-5
13. References.
14. Appendix. I n this section, you are asked to attach a data company that you make a research, for example, financial statements etc. And the results you Waeancara informant. If you use the above information in the study. If not. It is not necessary. Then the latter attach Curriculum Vitae.

8. Final Exam
As a test proposal, after you finish the entire contents of the thesis. Ask your supervisor for correction. If you already deal. Coming into the office and ask for a registration form thesis examination.
In the thesis examination you need only provide abstraction to the bibliography. Due to the addition, will be listed only noted at the time will be printed only.
Any tested during exams Thesis?

Thus the stage pembiatan thesis. Trust me .. thesis is not as dreadful as you think, as long as you INTENTIONS and CAN. Ha ha ha. Good luck.